Cruise-ins are held every 2nd
Saturday of the month for FREE in Frederick, MD at the
Westview Promenade in the back of mall by movie
entrance from 6:00pm until 9:30 PM or so..
(Take Rte 85 towards Buckystown, turn right on
Crestwood Dr. then turn left behind mall).
are open to anyone and any vehicle that came make it
and are FREE.
You Have a car or vehicle that
you love to show off. Bring to the Golden Gears
Cruise-In for FREE.
At the October Cruise-Ins we
will have our annual Toys for Tots collection
off I-270 At Exit 31B / Buckeystown Pike (Rt 85)
at Crestwood Blvd. Frederick, MD 21704 |
2016 Cruise-Ins:
July 9
Aug 13
Sept 10
Toys for Tots
Oct 8
Oct 22
DJ - Music
50 - 50

More Pictures
First CruiseIn
